Tiger of the urban woods (TUW) came out in open , faced the media , mother and the country first time after the -the world knows it all now- we have spilled the beans act of his more than 2 baker's dozen betraying girl friends and the accident his car had with a fire hydrant and a tree(a common urban man would have an uninteresting accident with a girl in the opposite car -point to be noted).
the most difficult part must have been to face the mother ,afterall media and country will soon have other things to bother about , but no you cannot run away from your own mother and mother in law ,right?
Since then , TUW has been chased by everyone, I mean,people are curious to know- how on earth?
How ,could he do that ?
how could, he do that ?
how could he, do that?
how could he do , that?
If you type tiger in google search you will find 43,000,000 results against the measely no of 1411 tigers in Indian woods if you search really hard for them . Poor Indian tigers ,imagine their plight , they stand poor second in popularity too. save Indian tigers, from obscurity atleast.
So, coming back to the TUW , he apologised to the family and friends and wife and kids and most importantly the famous brand owners/CEOs, for the brands he was endorsing. American being very forgiving(remember Hillary Clinton how magnanimously she forgave her husband when such a need arised in her marriage and his presidency), I have little doubt that people will not forgive him eventually or atleast forget his (mis)adventures off the Golf field.Right now TUW has been undergoing a rehab treatment in Florida and he needs to be left alone there
People are chasing him to ask a thousand questions and hence ,for the benifit of all the nosy parkers he has answered some FAQs here ......
Q1) what kind of rehab programme have you joined in Florida ? please tell us some details .
A1) Well! its on the same lines as alcoholics anonymous with a little bit of difference in its treatment .
its called "womenohlics unanimous". It is a comprehensive treatment program which focusses on life style, pschycological help , medications, yoga and even spirituality. Indian philosophy and spirituality has been given particular emphasis in the program.
Q2) what kind of life style changes have they advised you ?
A2) Again , its the same as you would suggest to someone who wants to quit drinking or smoking like - don't keep the women at home . if you really want them badly ,you should plan to visit her atleast 200 kms away from your place, the trouble of driving through the traffic , taking a time out from the routine , homely surroundings would discourage you from the craving .another thing is , we are advised to keep off from the company of people(women) who make you vulnerable . we should hang out in the company of men , preferably those who have unconventional inclination or lack of it towards women .
Q3) what are the other activities in this rehab plan?
A3) we have catharasis sessions here wherein many famous people with different careers come and talk about how their career suffered due to the addiction .like they had called Bill Clinton to share his experience about how he was close to impeachment during his presidency term.
Also, I have an inmate , a geriatric guy called ND Tiwari from India who talked about how he was caught by a snoopy camera and had to lose his governer's job recently. There are some Bollywood film stars also who are undergoing the treatment here .
there is one guy called Aman Verma whose career has ruined because of the addiction and another guy -Shakti Kapoor whose addiction was soo bad that even very old bollywood actresses came to sets with their moms and, these moms being on death beds and not having their mothers alive had to engage private musclemen for their security. this guy ,shakti kapoor is a big time villain in bollywood who was shown to rape atleast 3 women per movie .In order to bring a touch of reality in to his job he went on to buy a casting couch and practiced on it , as per the scene's demand. Now he is under most intensive treatment here.
then , there is a spiritual leader called Asa Ram bapu who is also invited here.
Q4) Asaramji? but we have heard that he is also involved in cases of voilating women ?
A4) Yes , yes .....I mean NO NO .he is not called here for spiritual counselling but for catharasis session only.
Q5) what kind of diet and medication is prescribed to you ?
A5) I am mostly on a raw diet , like raw onions, garlics and some offensive smelling raw sea food .
these foods will prevent me from all those girls who show extra ordinary interest in me.
medication is mostly to detoxify the body . I am asked to avoid xinseng ,a korean aphrodiasiac and have been given an antiviagral IV 4 times a day.
Q6) What kind of Pschycological help is given to you so far?
A6) I am told that acknowledging your mistakes is the biggest step in the direction of feeling guilt free and start afresh . so I am given many counselling sessions in which I jot down all my
Q7) are you hopeful that your wife will forgive you ?
A7) Ofcourse . there are some short sessions of counselling for families of victims of addiction also .
like my wife will be attending a seminar by Hillary clinton on "how to move on" and a special crash course by regressive women's magzine editor and Indian serial producer Ekta kapoor on " Kapati parmeshwar". I am sure such efforts will be helpful.
Q8) Do you feel that your fame, money , popularity made it easy to be falliable? do you have any advice for a common man ?
A8) Yes , money , popularity made me think ,it was all I deserved and was alright to have . for the common man I have only one advice - have your EMI's so high that you do not have time and energy and resources to think of EMA's.
Q9) what are EMAs?
A9) Oh! they are Extra marital affairs- simply .
Nb- while creating this blog I had unchecked the adult stuff content and I still stand by it. Information given here is purely of academic and curiosity quencher nature.